I wrote an article here a few months ago on conservative treatment on my two year old chocolate Labrador, Marley, with crucial ligament damage in both back knees. I had been using the holistic approach plus rest , plus weight reduction since October 2018. He weighed 45kilos and I finally got his weight down to 38, very hard as he is a year typical , always hungry lab ! He was doing well until a run with his sister took him back to being very lame on both back legs.
This was when I decided on the TPLO surgery and was glad I did. It’s been a month and Marley is doing so well🤞He has been confined to a small room where he can still see the Family and only allowed out on a lead, he has no limp and is walking well.I have started the exercises ( not very consistent with these ) but hoping to take him swimming in a couple of weeks. There are others dogs in the household and it hasn’t so far been a problem with his recovery. I know there is still a long way to go for full recovery but so far so good. I am so glad we had the surgery and looking forward to when Marley can run and play with his sister , pain free.
Hi. What leg does a dog favor after double tplo surgery? Does dog balance on two? Or, do you need a support to lift them? Thanks. I am contemplating double tplo for Piper, mixed pit bull.
My 95 pound, 3 yo, Stafford Terrier/Mastiff had a bilateral tplo and was walking pretty good the by 2nd day! He’s spending his time in a huge crate with the cone collar on. I remove the cone, put him on lead, several times a day to go outside and some cuddle time. The other mastiffs want to play with him, but I keep them apart. The pit bulls are very tough. So glad I had this done, as the pain made him cry the last week before surgery.