So, last February, 2017, Howie suddenly was limping. We took him to our vet who, after several minutes, told us he needs TPLO surgery within 30 days or he will develop arthritis. Our first and only dog – we didn’t know – we took him to their recommended specialist (11 days later was the earliest). He was already beginning to walk on the leg. The surgeon specialist said, hmmm, he is walking pretty good, but let’s do the surgery. Again, we didn’t know, but scheduled the surgery ($3,700).
About two days before the surgery, I came to my senses. I began to explore what was happening to him, what other options we had, and all the while he continued to improve. He had a few lapses from then until now…..I went on your website and registered for the emails. We did all that was recommended, found a vet that supported our CM quest.
Howie does have stiffness when he first gets up, but is able to walk well. He does try to run at times, and then needs to take it easy, but bounces back quicker. We are pretty sure we made the right decision for now. He is taking joint supplements our vet recommended, watching his weight (we cut back the dry food and added chicken breasts and vegetables). For now all seems pretty good. We decided not to take him back to the dog park where he would run a lot – but he is happy for his two to three moderate on-leash walks. Thank you for all your help and information! I have learned not to trust what vets tell you before checking everything out first!