Hello! Ernie, our 10-year-old kelpie cross was just one night holding his hind leg off the ground and we could see he was in pain. The vet took x-rays 2 days after but couldnt see that anything was going on. They suggested an arthroscopy which we did. I cannot thank these vets enough. A mobile arthroscopy vet came in as we live in a country town and the local vet asked if anything was wrong so we can go ahead. Of course I said yes, Ernie had a torn crucial ligament in a bad way.
Its now been 5 weeks since surgery and Ernie is just the best. He knows he can’t run at this time, he’s limited to leash walks to do his business, and he is happy. Myself and my husband share the stuff we need to do to keep Ernie from getting bored. In two weeks he has x-rays to see how his going. I can’t wait to see Ernie run after rabbits…he never catches them, I wouldn’t let him. Anyone’s dog who needs TPLO surgery, do it. Our vets are fantastic cannot thank them enough.