Day After Surgery
My husband and I modified our work schedules somewhat so that someone could be home with Beau at all times for the first week. Today was my turn. In the morning, I took the bandage off as instructed and was very happy to find that the vet technician had done a great job in ensuring that the gauze underneath would not stick. It was an easy removal and his incision was not bleeding or oozing. I was surprised at just how long the incision was though! Must be twelve inches long! At that point, Beau had I called the vet’s office to give them a report, as requested, and the rest of the day went well. Beau was alert, but wasn’t interested in trying to walk around much. A few trips outside and then he was lying down again. I had a harder time keeping myself in one place so that he wouldn’t want to follow me! At least I had a good book to read.