My dog completely tore his ACL. Our vet did the band surgery and he healed very well and we followed up keeping him calm and safe to the T. Well on week 12 we noticed him holding that leg up as he did right after his injury. My stomach sank. I felt this can’t be good. How was this possible when he was watched and we minimized his space in the house to be safe. We took him to the vet only to hear it appeared the band had snapped or stretched. The band does not show up in an x-ray. I feel this should not have happened with no jumping, no stairs, no running, only out on a leash. No roughhousing. I am devastated. I can’t afford this nor put my dog through this again. Especially so soon. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? I mean he hasn’t even had a chance to do normal dog things yet and we weren’t careless at all. Feeling so sad and helpless now I don’t know what to do now.
My dog tore his cruciate ligament, he is a very active husky. Our ourthopidic surgeon reccommend TPLO surgery as he said band surgery was not as successful. We are 14weeks post op and he is doing amazing, he has a metal plate and pins in he legs but he is back walking 3miles a day. We started hydrotherapy a few weeks ago which is really helping as well. I would look in to TPLO surgery instead.
Yes, this is happening to us right now. Also very upset because I’m now reading that the lateral suture procedure is not really recommended for dogs over 40lbs, and mine is 80lbs.
I too have a 9 year old dog, that tore is cruciate ligament last October. He was 83 lbs. I was told that it might work or it might not work on a larger dog. I didn’t think we could afford a TPLO surgery and our vet sent us to a vet in a neighboring state that would do the lateral suture procedure cheaper, supposedly than local vets. He was doing fairly well, but still limping some, when my son came home for a visit in March. I didn’t make it clear to my son and paid attention that my son was playing with Freckles by throwing toys and Freckles running after them. During the week my son was home, I noticed Freckles was holding his hind foot up more and limping more. We took him back to the vet and he had torn the line holding his knee together into. After consulting with another vet and calling the vet and him calling a vet, it was recommended not to redo the lateral suture surgery. In the mean time, before the the surgery, I put Freckles on a diet and he weighted 81 pounds with he had surgery and continued to loose. He lost his muscle mass in that hip and leg, which accounts for some of his weight loss. He is now 70 pounds. Things only got worse for him! About two months ago he was jumping up in a patio chair, and I went to try to stop him, and he got his other hind leg caught between the arm and seat of the chair. I was trying to get him a loose, and he was hollering in pain. I took him to have his leg and knee check and the knee was fine the vet said. A few weeks later the vet x-rayed his hips and he has hip dysplasia. I have given him Dr. Foster and Smith Extra Strength Glucosamine Chews for several years after he had a spell of limping and he had hip x-rays and the vet only told me, “He had bad hips.” I doubled up on those, when he injured his knee, I have given him fish oil (not now) coconut oil, bought CBD oil and giving him that, just started him on Stiff Dog by Lameaway, that the vet highly recommended, and have been given him Rimadyl, sometimes twice a day and sometimes once a day. We can’t afford that, either, especially twice a day. The vet wants me to take him to a vet in Texarkana to have the TPLO, which will be about $3000, just for the surgery. That doesn’t include the months of healing and I just read where no surgery gets them back to 100%. He had a cyst removed in October of 2017 that was cutaneous hemangiosarcoma. He should be dead, but is still alive with no signs of cancer. He has had some cysts and a bunch of red moles removed, and he still has cyst and red and black moles, that I keep an eye on all the time. I am concern that, if I go ahead with the surgery, then his cancer will come back, if it isn’t already in his body. They say big dogs don’t live over 12 or 15 years, even though, I have known of some people having big dogs that lived past 21. We have been keeping Freckles in a large pen. He still has plenty of room to move walk around and run a little, but not like giving him full range of the whole big backyard. By the way, one of the main reasons we can’t afford surgery, is that we have 7 cats and 9 dogs that we have rescued and couldn’t get anyone to take.
my dog is just over a year old and has partially torn her CCLs in both knees (I’m told it could be genetic) after months of trying medication along with rest, xrays, and seeing 3 vets we decided to book our dog for the lateral suture procedure (less invasive and MUCH more affordable for us) for her left leg first- which is coming up on Monday. My dog weighs approx. 58lbs and as I’ve been researching more and more as the surgery date approaches, I’m finding that the success rate isn’t great for dogs in her weight range – I’m hoping because it’s a partial tear that maybe this will be a successful procedure as it is truly heartbreaking having to keep her hostage @ home to avoid her causing further damage. the vet seemed confident this was the best route for her but I am extremely weary and scared for what lies ahead for us – wish us luck!