Blue is a 2-year-old pit bull who stole my heart the day I laid eyes on her. She was 8 weeks when we got her. She began to have problems with her hind right leg and when we took her for x-rays, they discovered the torn ACL. She was barely a year old. We were told she would eventually have to have surgery. They gave us pain meds and said to keep an eye on her. Well, here we are now, 48 hours after surgery. I am a worrier by nature!! I cried profusely when I had to leave her at the animal hospital for the procedure. However, the staff took excellent care of her. Yesterday when we went to pick her up the doctor showed us the before and after x-rays. I was very pleased. Blue has a long road ahead of her and as a parent I want to do what’s best for her. I need the support that you all offer.