TPLO and TTA Surgery for Dogs – Our Experience

The first knee was repaired in 2008 by a freelance orthopedic vet (surgeon) using the TPLO procedure, on our then 8 yr old lab/pit mix, 55 pounds. The repair went well, recovery time was rather uneventful, we were patient and forewarned of what to expect.
The end of 2012, our now approaching 12 yr old girl, tore the opposite knee’s ACL. Our option for the freelance doc was no longer available. However, we found a skilled, wonderful new doc who used the TTA procedure. Even after 4 yrs of aging, our girl has recovered more quickly than in ’08. The cost was the same for both operations. There has been more post op care for the recent surgery. I might add the recent surgery took place in a mobile unit, and it was amazing! She was only away from us for a total of five hours.
We were with Zuma when the first ligament “snapped”, she was running in the backyard, and yelped, then limped. Firm diagnosis was made quickly.
The most recent experience was not as simple, we had taken a walk through a wooded ranch which both of our girls love, the next day I noticed limping. We tried anti-inflammatories for a couple of weeks; no improvement. Two Dr’s confirmed the condition and they were surprised we went four years without a new incident.
We are only ten days post-op as of today, however, Zuma is doing so well, staples should be removed the end of this week. I know the staples are bugging her as I catch her trying to nibble. She hates ALL pills so that’s been the biggest challenge, every food under the sun has been tried. She’s doing this her way I suppose. Now she wants to jump in bed with us each eve and I try to explain why she can’t. Hmmm…not going so well, but she is not allowed up and she has a multi-layered “princess bed” for now.
I don’t wish this on any dog lover. Just know that when you find the “right hands” which are skilled and compassionate and caring, your fur buddy will do as well as our great ‘ol gal has done too. She’s worth every penny, and at this point, we have a bionic kid!
I’m glad that your pup is on the road to recovery….Charlie is 4 weeks in right now. We just took him on a short walk around the park (before he started chewing on the furniture out of boredom).
We made it to 2 weeks barely, which was how long we had to take the pills. They can make good tasting joint tablets so why not the ones the dogs need. Seriously…trying to make dogs take 16 pills per day. I was running out of creative ways. He won’t TOUCH peanut butter or cheese now 🙂