Conservative Management for a Dog with Pre-Existing Conditions – Sadie

Sadie is my daytime companion. My husband is Sadie’s favorite person at night when he gets home. Two weeks ago today we took Sadie to see the vet. Our dog was limping she somehow bad hurt herself Friday while turning around in the house. Sadie has some pre-existing conditions epilepsy and hypothyroidism. So the vet…

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Conservative Management for Small, Older Dogs – Kismet

My 17 year old Peke Kismet tore her CCL 3 weeks ago now. She’s never stopped putting weight on it. In fact she’s never shown any signs of pain whatsoever. When it initially happened I thought she had something in her paw which was causing her to limp. The Orthopedic specialist said he didn’t want…

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Conservative Management for Large Dogs – Cici

Back in late January 2012, Cici was hopping and limping for a couple of weeks. I noticed a bump on her knee so I took her to a vet specialist since this was the leg that she had had three surgeries on a few years ago. I was hoping it was nothing. Instead, the vet…

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Adequan for Cruciate Ligament Tears – Stevie Girl

My precious little rescue beagle, Stevie Girl, came to us when she was approximately one year old. We were lucky enough to have received her via the local animal shelter. The shelter did not have any facts regarding her previous life prior to arriving to the shelter; they did not even know her former name….

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Conservative Management, Traditional Repair and TPLO – Forrest Gumbo’s Story

About 3 years ago Forrest Gumbo, our approximately 3-year-old, healthy 45-pound pit bull that we adopted at 9 months old, the love of my life, was doing his usual figure 8 “zoomies” after one of our morning runs and he injured his right rear leg. He limped a little for a bit and always seemed…

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Conservative Management for Knee Ligament – Lola

Lola is a German Short Haired Pointer – very active, spins and bucks like a bronco 30 or 40 times a day! When she was about 7 she started favoring one back leg, not even weight bearing at times. We took her to the vet when this went on for a couple days and he…

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Conservative Management for Bilateral Ligament Tears – Brandi Lee

I have a very active 4 1/2 yr. old Boxer/Rott mix. I adopted her when she was 6 months old from the animal shelter here in Bozeman, Mt. It was Love at first sight! I was suffering from severe depression/servere anxiety disorder at the time, and when we met she put a smile back into…

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Conservative Management and Knee Brace – Carly

Knee Braces for Dogs

My golden retriever Carly was diagnosed with a CCl injury. My vetnarian gave me a list of orthopedic surgeons. I came home and started researching everything I could about this injury and all of our options. I contacted several surgeons over the phone and came to a conclusion. The cost of surgery was very expensive…

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Deciding Between Alternative Treatment or Surgery – Sophy

Well I thought I may have been lucky but now, I think not. My beautiful Sophy had her first TPLO at 4. She is a very active, joyful Lab and after doing the research I thought the TPLO surgery was the best option. Three years later, she has just started holding up her other leg….

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Should I Get a Second Opinion? Asia’s Story

Asia the Pit Bull’s story came to me via email. I thought it was important to share both to help Asia’s owner get some feedback on how to proceed with recovery, and to also illustrate many of the questions that plague us as we decide what the best approach for our dog. As you will…

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