Dog Knee Surgery Success Rates: TPLO, Tightrope, TTA, and Traditional Extracapsular Repair Surgery

Before investing in knee surgery for your dog, it would be wise to look at the statistical information surrounding the success rates of each specific type of surgery. Hind knee tears in dogs is the leading cause of lameness and pain for domesticated canines, and according to NIH, there is no absolute gold standard to…

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Tedy’s Story: Conservative Management

My 12-year-old (best estimate of his age) Bordie-Collie mix (and breed) injured his CCL on 5/11/21. He is about 50 lbs. I adopted him from the Humane Society 8 years ago. We were able to get in to see the vet within a few hours of his injury and a CCL tear was diagnosed based…

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Lava – Extracapsular Lateral Suture

I have a 5 year old Jack Russell, Lava. She is a very hyperactive and energetic dog and, after her knee injury our life became very complicated since she couldn’t enjoy all of her normal activities. Firstly, when she started limping, I just thought it was something minor, like she stretched something or like that….

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